Thursday, September 02, 2004

how exciting, I can post photos

Posing in New York '04
Originally uploaded by mgutz.
Our eventful trip to NY in 7/04 to go to the NY Asian Am Film Fest. Tad took this. As Bookie would say, it's very balanced.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

my first ever post

We'll see how this goes. I had a sudden impulse to start a blog--inspired by the likes of Wil Wheaton and Zach Braff of Garden State, because I was here thinking about something I wrote when I was 16 or so. "There are things in life you share with the entire world, things you share with only a certain few, and things you must keep for yourself. " I haven't been saying much to the world, lately. I think I should.

I will refrain from random non-sense or turning this into an online diary that is better off under lock and key at the bottom of my underwear drawer. I will be conscious and purposeful. But, I will not be serious about it, beating myself up about not presenting some of the world's most prolific writing. More sincerity, less seriousness... and maybe some insight and storytellling will come from here that would not have become part of me and the world otherwise.

Lingering Thought: Be true to yourself.