Tuesday, November 16, 2004

where i've been

So, I haven't written here in 2 months or so. A lot has happened in that little gap in my life. Sometimes, cracks in your life turn into great big gigantic fissures, but it's ok because you can fill it in with healing. I'll write here for the heck of it, so I can update those I don't have the pleasure of speaking with on a day to day or frequent basis due to time, space and circumstance. It's funny that I have this, and I have 10 half-filled journals and thought books of various shapes and sizes on my bookshelf that I never end up filling up. But oh well, expression in all its forms is a very good thing. Writing something, even if it be a fragment of a thought, is better than not writing at all and losing that thought to the fragile nature of my memory.